Demo03 - Pindown

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In demo03A and  demo03B we see a map, that is made by combination.

In demo02 you see albums that shows images from some European cities.
For each city, it is possible to see the location of places in the city. Each city is a folder with images.

PinDown creates a help-csv. This file makes it easy to clip from and paste into a combined CSV-file.
The content of the single csv files is clipped from the files and then pasted into a combined file called markers.csv.
This "combined" file is placed in a folder, and now PinDown can operate on this file and create a map from the information in the file.
The images is not redundant - it is just information of the images that is collected in one csv-file.

The demo03 is a simulation of images that is tagged with types.
Each image has been given a number/tag from 1 to 6

Then in the configuration file for the combined01 folder we specify what it is we want to select on.
It is just a matter of what we specify the number to represent.
The demo03A is defined like this:

1 => City
2 => Building
3 => Museum
4 => Area
5 => Monument
6 => Eventplace

The demo03B is defined like this:

1 => Peter P.
2 => Paul M.
3 => Mary S.
4 => John A.
5 => Janice J.
6 => Richard H.

The 2 combined files is exactly the same. It is just the definition of what we want a code to mean. It is specified in the config file for the folder.

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